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Godzilla Vs. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II #4 review

Star Trek: Defiant #17 review

On Romulus a coup takes place.  Later, Sela and her father discuss the situation.  An announcement is made, with General Revo (Sela's father) condemning the coup and outing those who carried it out.  On Earth Chief O'Brien analyzes the images of those who carried out the coup and realizes it was none other than Worf, Ro Laren and B'Elanna Torres. Much of this issue is spent discussing the self-replicating mines O'Brien developed at the beginning of the Dominion War.  They have since been co-opted and used by other races to keep a hold on territory, killing thousands.  He is called out during a lecture and labeled a war criminal.  I'll just be upfront, I don't care for this story thread at all.  Having him get involved with the larger story of the Romulan coup is fine.  But having some young cadet throw mud at him feels wrong.  Also, it feels like Spock is increasingly becoming a character that they don't quite know what to do with.  He did little during the

Godzilla: Skate or Die #2 review

Star Trek Annual 2024 review

Data, in his search for Lore, resigns from Starfleet and ventures to the Academy.  Data manages to enlist the aid of Chief O'Brien.  Together they search Farius Prime, a world the Chief is very familiar with, for clues to Lore's whereabouts.  They are soon attacked by Klingons but are saved by Geordi La Forge.  On Orion they confront those who gave Lore technology, and Data uses aggressive means to get the information he desires.  They find a huge space station and onboard are confronted by Klingon Korath.  Lore suddenly snaps Korath's neck from the shadows.  Part of the space station detaches as Data has Geordi beamed away.  Lore removes Data's head and on the bridge of his ship we see assimilated Klingons. This story is... quite messy.  Lore says he deliberately wrote a mystery to get his brother's attention... but it just feels like a fetch quest with little pay off.  Orions, Klingons... nothing of real substance.  The confrontation between Data and Lore is very

Star Trek #22 review

Sisko's mother educates him on what is, what was, and consequences.  Meanwhile, Beverly Crusher and Wesley reunite.  The reunion is very brief, though Wes does manage to slip her a note before she departs.  Later, Ensign Sato makes her move.  She activates a device which brings forth... Lore. I have to say I did not see the final page coming.  The reunion between Crushers was nice, though perhaps too brief.  I do wish the many pages devoted to the Sisko family had more substance.  DS9 is great but there is only so much non-linear nonsense I can take.  Sara says so much and yet so little all at the same time.   seven out of ten.

Godzilla Vs. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II #3 review

Star Trek: Defiant #16 review

While Worf and Ro battle the mother creature Sela attempts to shake Spock out of his mental flux, brought on by the hive mind.  Spock manages to bring the infected Starbase crew back to normal and the parasites begin to explode.  Nymira beams the crew back to the Defiant as she confronts the mother creature and sacrifices herself to defeat it and close the portal.  Two days later the crew is seemingly back to normal.  Hugh leaves the ship and Sela's father shows up.  He congratulates her on capturing the Defiant, Spock and Worf. I'm not sure I like Spock's mind being overwhelmed by the mother parasite.  We've seen this sort of thing before, V'Ger for instance.  I suppose it is one way to get across the threat the parasites pose.  Having Sela be the one to bring Spock out of his mental flux was great though.  Hugh leaving feels very abrupt.  I don't mind the somewhat rotating cast of characters this title has, I just wish it felt more organic at times.   seven ou

Star Trek #21 review

Sisko manages to talk himself into the Pleroma, along with Dr. Crusher.  Later, they enter and are confronted with the various god-like members.  Many of them familiar.  Apollo, Trelane, a Metron, a Tholian, Charles Evans, the Guardian of Forever, and several others.  T'Lir asks the assembled beings to restore the Organians.  They vote on the matter and the resurrection of the Organians fails.  As Dr. Crusher searches for her son a new entity arrives in the Pleroma... Sisko's mother.  If he does not leave the universe will burn.   The members of the Pleroma are a who's who of god-like beings from across the history of Star Trek.  Most of them are from the original series, but we get Kevin Uxbridge from TNG, The Caretaker and M'Benga's daughter from Strange New Worlds.  Even the Tholian Bright Eyes from the previous Star Trek ongoing series.  They are certainly better behaved than I expected.  The Wesley Crusher aspect I find intriguing.  I guess they are going to s

Godzilla: Skate or Die #1 review

Godzilla Rivals: Mothra Vs. Hedorah review

Godzilla: Here There Be Dragons II - Sons of Giants #1 review

Godzilla: Mechagodzilla 50th Anniversary Special review

Godzilla: 70th Anniversary review

The Half-Century Bore  Written, Drawn and Lettered by James Stokoe Contagion  Written by Dan Didio  Drawn by Joëlle Jones  Coloured by Marco Lesko Of Gods and Con Artists  Written by Danny Lore Art by Sebastián Píriz In The Shadow of a God  Written and Drawn by Matt Frank  Poetry by Donny Winter Japanese Calligraphy by Maki Takarada In The Darkness  Written and Drawn by E.J. Su The Big One  Written and Drawn by Adam Gorham  Colored by Adam Guzowski Ain’t No Place For An Angel  Written by Casey Gilly Drawn by Liana Kangas Colored by Brittany Peer In Summation  Written by Michael W. Conrad  Art by Gegê Schall Aftermath Written and Drawn by Natasha Alterici

Sons of Star Trek #4 review

With Dukat dead Mariner assumes command.  Alexander is ordered to Sickbay but refuses and runs off.  Jake and Nog go after him and the three end up in the Holodeck where Jake begins a Klingon program.  Jake engages Alexander in combat and attempts to reason with him.  It works and Alexander goes to Sickbay while, on the Bridge, QJ apologizes to Jake and Nog for putting them in their current situation.  The Breen attack the ship.  Again.  Slowly, QJ's powers return and he solves the Breen problem.  The scene shifts and judge Q applauds his son.  In a brief epilogue Jake, Nog and Alexander are reunited with their families.   It feels like this comic needed another issue to wrap things up.  The end comes at almost a breakneck speed.  QJ's powers start to return, he gets rid of the Breen and we shift to Q congratulating his son.  After that, a very brief epilogue with our three other characters.  They were all to have learned a lesson... but did they?  It all feels very Saturday mo

Sons of Star Trek #3 review

Nog and Shaw inspect the engine and come under attack by Breen.  Later, during a meeting, Captain Dukat becomes furious with Jake after he suggests they use what little remaining resources to restore QJ's powers.  Nog, Shaw and Alexander battle Breen, chasing them to the bridge where Alexander saves Dukat's life.  However, the relief is short lived as Dukat takes the full blast of a Breen energy weapon. There is some good stuff here with Nog.  About feeling out of place, which is supposed to be the purpose of this series to begin with.  The notion that Nog, Alexander and Jake are at a critical crossroads in their lives.  We've only had some lip service towards that.  Until now.  Having the ship crewed by various familiar faces continues to feel... weird.  I do wish there were more interaction.  It's a chance for Mariner to interact with Ogawa.  or Shaw.  or Dukat.  or Tuvix... and other than a staff meeting there is little interaction among the crew.  It ends up feelin

Star Trek: Celebrations review

"The Knight Errand” by Steve Orlando, Lauren Knight and JP Jordan “Lady Luck” by Vita Ayala and Liana Kangas “Facemaker” by Mags Visaggio, Tench and JP Jordan “Innovation Interruption” by Stephanie Williams and Denny Minonne “Risian Rendezvous” by Hannah Rose May, Jack Lawrence and Rebecca Nalty Our first story is set in the Kelvin Timeline as Sulu tells Demora a story where the Enterprise crew are knights.  Sulu engages in a duel to the death and wins, completing his bedtime story for young Demora.  The second story features Seven and Raffi and involves poker and some less than friendly members of Starfleet.  The next story is Christine Chapel working with Doctor Phlox very briefly.  Next we get Jett Reno and Paul Stamets as they solve a problem.  The final story sees Beckett Mariner on Risa for the Festival of the Moon.   I wish there were more to the Chapel story as it feels very short, though Phlox showing up was a nice treat.  The Seven of Nine story, unfortunately, feels the

Godzilla Vs. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II #2 review

Star Trek: Defiant #15 review

The Defiant crew, armed with swords, fight off Parasite infected station crew.  During the battle Sela arrives.  They fight the entire way to the reactor core and encounter Spock, still suffering from his mind meld.  Sela punches him.  A massive mother creature rises and Wolf attempts to kill her on his own.  Worf and Ro stand together against the mother creature. This is a very fight heavy issue.  The crew work together, with Sela joining them, against the parasites.  A welcome change from the constant bickering we've seen the past several issues.  I would have liked more of Spock, as he does nothing except get punched.   seven out of ten.