Predator: The Original Screenplay adaptation by Jeremy Barlow and Patrick Blaine is still unpublished, so I have to review this gory Percy comic instead. I can make it. I can make it. Our Yautja from last issue is still obsessed with Wolverine. The trophy hunting extraterrestrial really wants Logan's mint out of package adamantium spine for his collection. If you're a collector you know what I'm talking about. Sadly, we get zero retractable claws vs retractable claws action this issue. Who will be the best there is at what they do? Do I really have to ask the question? What I did like: Wolverine is an arachnologist, he knows the sounds spiders make, knows about ticks. Impressive. Alabama ticks get mentioned. Old Painless clears the jungle once again. Sabretooth avenges Jesse Ventura. He did the former Governor of Minnesota proud. The Predator (1987) score by Alan Silvestri is still playing in my head. Maybe I should see a doctor. What I did not like: Canada. Just Canada. It