eBook by Violet Castro Cover by Jenny Frison Illustrations by Patrick Zircher From Titan Books and Heroic Signatures Spoilers! Spoilers! A storm is battering BĂȘlit's ship the Tigress, crewmates are flying overboard. First mate Seneka, an expert tracker, is trying to protect BĂȘlit from the storm, They've been together for five years. The Tigress stops moving suddenly, they have hit land, an island. Hassan starts assessing the damage. BĂȘlit hits the beach, removes her boots and devours a fallen blood fruit from a nearby tree. Hassan needs to work on the mast and to cut down trees to repair the Tigress's belly. Seneka, Mithras and Zeke will gather fruit, coconuts and make a fire. Nora will fish. They eat under the clouds that are obscuring the stars and preventing them from knowing their position. They start exploring the island in teams. Zeke and Mithras into the jungle. Nora and Homer to the left. Horus and Ajani to the right. The teen Mithras returns to tell BĂȘlit that...