Is it time for fighty-robo-time??
You betcha! This is a brand-new Transformers comic series after nearly ten months of no new Transformers comics! With Robert Kirkman’s Void Rivals having launched Skybound’s new Energon Universe, noted writer/artist rolled-into-one Daniel Warren Johnson takes the reins on what will likely be the linchpin of this new initiative.
In this third issue, the humans continue to be caught up in the metal-on-metal crunch as the Autobots and Decepticons continue their battle. Who will pay the price for getting in between these duelling giants??
Do more deer die??
YES! Optimus Prime has developed a lust for the feeling of innocent land mammals splattering under his boot, and declares open season on them!!!
No, of course not. Our story continues at pace as Cliffjumper follows Carly home to ensure her safety, but gets more than he bargained for when Laserbeak and angry, confused humans attack him! Remember the early-to-mid-to-late Marvel comics, when humans couldn’t tell the difference between the goodies and the baddies? Well, that’s in full effect here, even with Carly trying to get Sparkplug and his drinking buddies to differentiate between the two factions. The result is simultaneous threats for the Autobots as they must both fight the Decepticons and be hated and feared by a world they have so very recently sworn to protect! (That’s catchy, someone should use that in a comic somewhere…)
No more deer death, but there IS a lot more action, right?
Of course! DWJ knows what he’s good at and delivers with an issue that barely gives you a moment to breathe with a running battle that isn’t short on brutality. His kinetic pencils and Mike Spicer’s popping colors continue to be the pull for this series so far, with an absolutely beautiful couple of two-page spreads being the highlight here. I couldn’t help but wonder if a particular scene is a specific Gundam reference, given DWJ’s noted love of that franchise. All that said, and I know I’ve had to say stuff like this for the past few reviews, but…
If you’re a Transformers veteran, you might raise an eyebrow at the “power levels” on display here. If seeing Transformers being severely damaged or even lightly fazed by human weaponry (like in the Bay movies) makes you claw your hair out, well… this issue has that in spades. I think DWJ’s also trying to really hammer home how dangerous Decepticons are, but I do feel like Optimus Prime traditionally should be able to handle the guys that are currently up-and-active on his own. It does make for a cool scene to see Optimus turn a seeming disadvantage into a desperate victory, but maybe it was too much too soon?
Sooooo, the cube?
Remains steadily about half-full at the moment. All the strengths are strong and the weaknesses weak here, so DWJ’s still just about breaking even with me. I’m sure those who aren’t as familiar with Transformers fiction will be able to look past things I cannot and enjoy this more for what it is. I think the art is gorgeous and there’s some cool moments here that are absolutely sold through it, but I’m still not seeing much that I haven’t seen before in terms of story.
Buy Skybound’s Transformers # 3 this week, cuz Optimus is gonna MARRY ELITA! AND THEY’LL GROW OLD TOGETHER!!!