In a Romulan prison Spock is held by Sela and given the task of discovering why her father overthrew the Praetor. Meanwhile, O'Brien leaves Keiko and sets out to find Worf. Worf, Ro Laren and B'Elanna Torres work to fortify their position and protect the indigenous population from the oncoming Romulan attack. They discover a couple of hundred year old Hirogen ships. In space, O'Brien finds the Defiant but is currently occupied by Kzinti scavengers. After a short scuffle Miles forces the Kzinti to depart and assumes command of the Defiant.
I have to say I'm a bit more interested in Miles than Worf and his crew playing Seven Samurai... or three samurai I suppose. The Romulan coup continues to be the central driving force. Once again we get some veiled reference to the oncoming supernova that will eventually destroy Romulus. This was never fully explained and it seems we may finally get an explanation in a future issue. Said it before but it feels as though Spock's role is an afterthought. And he continues to be treated poorly. Mentally overwhelmed by the mother parasite, tortured and interrogated at the hands of the Romulans.
seven out of ten.